How to check National University Admission Result?


Bangladesh National University Admission Result can be found by logging on to the Admissions website You can also know the result by sending SMS from mobile phone.

All other admission results including Honours Admission Result, Degree Admission Result, Masters Admission Result, Masters Preliminary Admission Result, Honours Professional Admission Result under National University (NU) will be known in the same process.

To know the admission result through the website, you have to login with the admission roll and PIN. To know the admission result online -

  1. Visit website
  2. Enter Honours / Degree (Pass) / Masters / Professional options.
  3. Enter the applicant login option.
  4. Login with admission roll and PIN.

You can know the National University Admission Result by sending a message from any mobile phone. To know the result of any admission through SMS, you have to send SMS according to the following instructions.

  • Honours: NU <space> ATHN <space> Admission Roll and Send to 16222.
  • Degree: NU <space> ATDG <space> Admission Roll and Send to 16222.
  • Masters Regular (Final): NU <space> ATMF <space> Admission Roll and Send to 16222.
  • Preliminary to Masters: NU <space> ATMP <space> Admission Roll and Send to 16222.